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What can we know about the industrial steel building?

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Generally speaking, the installation procedures of industrial steel building include installation of steel columns, installation of inter-column supports, temporary installation of steel crane beams, roof beams, roof supports, steel crane beams, etc., correction, fixation, and structural installation of maintenance.

  • What is the specific process of industrial steel building construction?

  • How to regularly maintain industrial steel building?

  • How to consider the cost of industrial steel building construction?

What is the specific process of industrial steel buildings?

1. Lifting the main structure of industrial steel buildings: connecting steel carriers on the ground, erecting steel columns, lifting steel carriers, connecting secondary structures, correcting the deviation of the main structure, installing crane carriers (optional), lifting intermediate layers (optional), and coating with fire resistant paint pack.

Main control quality: The deviation of the main structure should meet the specifications and design requirements and the initial and final application of high-strength screws should meet the requirements.

2. Installation of secondary structure: roofing posts, roof wall supports, flange supports, etc.

3. Laying of roof plate and insulation layer: first lay insulation layer, then assemble roof plate (in some projects a position of steel fabric is also placed under the insulation layer to prevent a fall of the insulation layer, this mainly depends on insulation layer level)

Main quality control: The roof is mainly waterproof, therefore the plate should be covered with the plate, the nail position, the glue coating should be full or not, the glue should be wiped clean and the coating on the surface of the plate should not be damaged to rust etc. to avoid.

How to regularly maintain industrial steel building?

industrial steel building wall maintenance and installation: mainly the installation of wall insulation and wall panels.

The main quality control of industrial steel building: the wall is mainly an aesthetic problem, and a window area is waterproof. There is also the problem of installation deviation. For example, the bottom should be flat, the entire plane should be flat, the flatness deviation between the board and the board should meet the requirements, and so on.

The detailed structure of the industrial steel building: mainly the installation of some trims, such as the wrap angle between the roof and the wall, the wrap angle at the corner of the wall, the flooding board between the wall panel and the brick wall, the door and window trim, etc.

How to consider the cost of industrial steel building construction?

The price of industrial steel building can only be compared with certain basic conditions, such as whether it is imported or domestic color panels, its thickness, coating; insulation material and thickness; whether there is a skylight; workshop bays and spans; whether there are cranes, crane tonnage, Many factors such as the level of the work system are related, and the impact of the price difference in other regions and the qualification level of the construction unit cannot be ignored.

The industrial steel building has achieved an irreplaceable position in industrial production. Qingdao Xinguangzheng Steel Structure Co., Ltd. is committed to providing different kinds industrial steel buildings of high quality for all customers from all over the world.

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